Suggested Prayer before reading any of these book. Use also submitting to ministry or any spiritual event.
Yahweh you are my God and Father. You are mighty and I love and trust you.I receive all that was purchased for me through my God. Lord ,King and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I bind Satan,all fallen angels and demons that would try to impart any lie in the name of Jesus. I thank you in advance Lord for opening the eyes of my understanding with the knowledge I receive and giving me the wisdom on how to apply it. I grant you permission Father to use what is of you to conform and transform me into the image of Jesus Christ your son.
Please understand that any minister/author could be walking in Gods spirit in one area and not in another. The saying is do not throw out the baby with the bath water. Eat the meat and spit out any bones. If you enter into your learning journey with the Lord with the above prayer or something similar you should have no fear of being deceived. I have read every book hear except Jonas Clark. I have seen his online teachings and found them to be solid so am comfortable with the recommendation.

The Believers Authority (you must believe in what Jesus has given)

I Give You Authority: Practicing the Authority Jesus Gave Us

Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind

Power Of The Blood

You Shall Receive Power

Does Your Tongue Need Healing?

Prayers That Rout Demons and Break Curses

Spiritual Warfare
Deliverance Books

Pigs in the Parlor: A Practical Guide to Deliverance

They Shall Expel Demons: What You Need to Know about Demons – Your Invisible Enemies

Demons And Deliverance

Spiritual Warfare Now: Fighting for the Souls of Men

A Manual for the Deliverance Worker


Clearing the Land: Preparing for Deliverance

Deliverance Manual

Homeopathy: Medical Treatment or Demonic Gateway?

Breaking the Kundalini Release and Chakra Deliverance

Orishas African Hidden gods of worship
Other Resources

The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare: Revised and Updated

War on the Saints (lessons of enemy infiltration of the welsh revival)

Exposing Spiritual Witchcraft: Breaking Controlling Powers

Exposing the Dangers Behind Martial Arts and Yoga: A Christian’s Guide to the Harmful Effects of These Spiritually Rooted Practices by Dr Vito Rallo (2011-05-04)

Confronting Jezebel: Discerning and Defeating the Spirit of Control

Exposing Witchcraft in The Church

What’s Behind the Ink? The Spiritual Aspects of Tattooing, Piercing, and Other Fads

Masonry: Beyond the Light

Hidden Secrets of Masonry

My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood

The Question of Freemasonry

The God Makers: A Shocking Expose of What the Mormon Church Really Believes